Luca Arnaboldi - Researcher

About me

This is me

Luca is a researcher currently focusing on security of autonomous systems, explainable AI and formal verification of machine learning algorithm. He was awarded his PhD at Newcastle University which was on the topic of improving explainability and adaptability of intrusion detection by using formal models, with specific focus on constrained IoT deployments. His main research interests lie at the intersection of formal verification, security and AI; however, he is always willing to dabble in new areas such as financial machine learning and protocol verification

I am always working on a million things at once, check out some of the links below for some of my current work. My most recent project was working on the topic of security for autonomous sytems at the University of Edinburgh (prior to joining Birmingham). To find more about this project please visit the project page for

If you are interested in any of these topics feel free to contact me at:

Current Work


AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by Construction. Previous Work


MetaCP: Cryptographic Protocol Design Tool for Formal Verification. With R. Metere


NPACT: a metaverse based social enterprise dedicated to providing education and charitable growth in the fast growing Web 3.0 environment